Thursday, April 14, 2011
what makes people think they should have children?
Every single day I see another child that has no manners.. What path has parenting gone down? Not a parent to any child I still can appreciate bringing life into the world BUT just because you can doesn't mean you should. As some of you know, I dislike children..but some are still decently adorable. Some women and men wait their whole lives to be parents and they make amazing figures in a child's life. But then there is over half of the population who gets knocked up and has 10 different sperm donors. How does letting your child scream, kick, yell, bite, make a fuss and disrupt every single person in the rooms lives feel? I can't ever remember acting a fool in public with my parents. My mum would have (I am sure she did) stop any type of fuss immediately or we were not allowed in public. Today, I came VERY close to snatching a child who kept punching my knee and screaming at the parent..What stopped me you ask? My job. Literally that is it.. I did give her a piece of my mind by cursing in Arabic followed by "is this yours? get him away from me now" I am not one to back down from ANY battle and have often told parents exactly what was up and how they need to handle their child/children. Should there be a test taken for people to have a child? Absolutely. Also letting someone wear a belly suit and take care of a screaming, unruly child for months should also be deemed. I don't care your age, at all, but when having a child (God forbid more then one) think about what you are doing to others if you cant control that thing. Lets hope you are not around me when you decide to become an absent minded parent..